Downloads(Hindi & English)
I have created a few Resources for you to start working with. Many people have benefitted from these guides and Meditation. I hope it helps you too. For safety I have added one step to download these Resources. Just Enter your email and I will send you these Files to your email inbox. Make sure you don't forget to check junk/apam/other/promotions folder. If you don't find the files in your inbox.
I have made a couple of Free Videos on youtube, they suffice for their job. So I came this far with all the Goodies. I also know that not everybody can buy my Readings and Therapy Sessions. So I made sure that I create enough Free stuff that can help you bring Life Transformation at no Cost.
मैंने आपके लिए जीवन सुधरने के लिए कुछ महत्त्वपूर्ण संसाधन बनाए हैं। इन गाइड्स और मेडिटेशन से बहुत से लोग लाभान्वित हुए हैं। मुझे आशा है कि यह आपकी भी मदद करता है। सुरक्षा के लिए मैंने इन संसाधनों को डाउनलोड करने के लिए एक कदम जोड़ा है।
बस अपना ईमेल दर्ज करें और मैं आपको ये फ़ाइलें आपके ईमेल इनबॉक्स में भेजूंगी। सुनिश्चित करें कि आप जंक/अपम/अन्य/प्रमोशन फोल्डर को चेक करना न भूलें। यदि आपको अपने इनबॉक्स में फ़ाइलें नहीं मिलती हैं।
मैंने यूट्यूब पर कुछ मुफ्त वीडियो बनाए हैं, वे अपने काम के लिए पर्याप्त हैं। तो मैं यहां तक सभी अच्छाइयों के साथ आयी हु । मैं यह भी जानती हूं कि हर कोई मेरे रीडिंग और थेरेपी सत्र नहीं खरीद सकता है। इसलिए मैंने सुनिश्चित किया कि मैं पर्याप्त उचित मूल्य वाली सामग्री तैयार करूँ जो आपको जीवन परिवर्तन को कीमत के अंश पर लाने में मदद कर सके।
Prayer Power e-book

Helps you Learn the Power of Prayers, and Correct way to Pray. Such that your Prayers are answered Satisfactorily.
If you have nothing in your life, this ebook will help you get started towards Positive Future.
Chakra e-books

How to Open any Chakra? ebook has all details on how to open chakra effectively.
How to Know which chakras are opened has method to scan and learn which chakras are opened by your Kundalini.
eft Manual

Emotional Freedom Technique is a Master Technique to help you release any blocked & clogged emotions that you may have in your Energy Body.
And helps you stay clear of negativity.
Twin Flame Affirmations

If you're into a Twin Flame union than you know that it comes with its own challenges.
Over the years Ive been getting many queries for this, so made a little Affirmation guide to help manage this Twin Flame phase.
Tarot Beginner's Guide

Want to Learn Tarot? But don't know where to begin with? Wanting to Learn Tarot and now knowing where to start is a pain, which I have gone through.
So I made this Guide to help you learn the baby steps to Tarot.
Relaxation Meditation

Meditation is the Food for your Soul. If you have never Meditated, this is a Good Starting point.
Relaxation meditation will help you to Release stress and Tensions.
Millionaire Affirmations

Want to Become a Millionaire in an Ethical way? Money comes easily usually, but to make it stay is the Art that only few know.
Learn these Millionaire Affirmations to learn Sure ways of making money stay!
Money Management

Earning Money but not able to save? Are you under money crisis by the End of the Month? And start searching for pennies left around in corners of house?
You need to Learn how to Effectively Manage your Money such that you don't run out of it.
Gemstone & Birthstones

Astrological Stones can help you fill in energies that are missing in your Birth-chart, and Birthstones can help you as per your Birth Month.
Learn which stones can bring life changing energies in your life, after wearing them.
Ego vs Will ebook

Learning about how your Ego Sabotages your life you might want to Learn how to Recognise voice of Ego and voice of Will.
check out this simple and easy to follow guide to Learn more about "walking the way of your heart"
Chakra Cleansing Meditation

Uncleared Chakras can bring down your entire system and affect your wook-efficiency.
A simple and easy, do it anywhere Meditation. A 10-min guidance meditation to help you clear your Chakras and keep them Clean.
World's Most Powerful Meditation

Want to Indulge into Deeper and Powerful Meditation that will give you Amazing Results?
Get this, its the World's most powerful meditation. Helping you on all Levels. Working on this Regularly will help you to increase your Psychic Abilities.
Download them and use them. Nothing in this World can help you if you're not Ready to improve your life yourself. Don't wait for some miracles to happen, neither for a God to appear so that they can take away your troubles. Learn to clear your own Life and start building it Positive way.
Remember we will also be sending you life-transforming materials, weekly updates and Discounts for my upcoming programs. So stay SUBSCRIBED to my emails, even after downloading your freebies.
Once you Subscribe, check your Spam/ Junk/ Other/ Promotions Folder. Internet sometimes recognises some mail as spam. I don't have any control over it. So you will need to check your inbox and other folders, spam/junk folder.
Make sure you add email address to your contacts, so that in future they won't end up in junk/spam folder.
एक बार सदस्यता लेने के बाद, अपना spam/junk/ other/ promotions फ़ोल्डर जांचें। इंटरनेट कभी-कभी कुछ मेल को स्पैम के रूप में पहचान लेता है। मेरा उस पर कोई नियंत्रण नहीं है। तो आपको अपने इनबॉक्स और spam/junk/others/promotions फ़ोल्डर की जांच करनी होगी।
सुनिश्चित करें कि आप अपने संपर्कों में ईमेल पता जोड़ते हैं, ताकि भविष्य में वे जंक/स्पैम फ़ोल्डर में न चले जाये ।