Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Top 5 Best Tarot Resources

When it comes to learning anything you know that you have to start with the best resources. As when you have best resources you know that they are trustworthy and giving you the right knowledge and information.
My journey with Tarot began searching for best resources on Tarot, but it doesn't have to be the same for you. I am giving away you this list of best resources that will help you in your tarot journey.

Top 5 Best Free Online Tarot Card Meanings Websites -

1. Learn Tarot site by Joan Bunning -
This website Joan created when she began learning Tarot. And the site is so detailed in the meanings that you can begin your Tarot learning journey based on that site itself.

2. James Wells - James Wells is a Toronto based Tarot Reader. Circle way practitioner and Komyo Reiki teacher. He is the author of Tarot for Manifestation, Tarot Circle Encounters, and Goal-Mapping with the Tarot.
Through one-to-one consultations and group experiences (workshops, classes, retreats, and teleseminars), he help people remember their innate creativity, wisdom, resourcefulness, wholeness, and personal power.

3. Brigit Esselmont - Brigit is someone whom Ive been following since past 5 years. I have been reading almost every blog post she writes. And her posts are well researched as well as detailed upto satisfaction for every tarot enthusiasts' itch.
See here>> for her blog

4. Ginny Hunt - Ginny has her blog 78 notes to self that she wrote because she has her immense love for Tarot. Her unique style of writing plus a freshness of her passion for Tarot adds a zing to it. Read her blog here>>

5. Mary K Greer - Mary is a tarot author and teacher since past 40+ years of experience. She has made tarot her life, she is member of various international Tarot associations. And speaks at tarot conferences around the world. Check out her site here>>

I too have my site with Tarot card meanings if you want to refer to my site. Though I haven't listed it in the top 5 here, still its no less then the ones listed here. Check my site here..

Top 5 Best online Tarot Courses - 

All of these courses are not taken personally by me. I haven't learned from all. But have some very good reviews of these courses and so I am writing about them here. 

1. Tarot School's Course -
Tarot School's course is a very detailed course on Tarot which I find is the best on the internet. They have a correspondence course, which can be taken from any part of the world. They promise to give the best knowledge on tarot that's published ever. Check out their course here>>

2. American Tarot Association's Correspondence course -
American Tarot association's course is the perfect course for you if you want to learn Tarot easily. I have taken it and found it very helpful. Check it out here>> 

3. Psychic Tarot Card Online Course -

Click on the image above to see more on this topic 

This is a Hayhouse's course on Tarot. I haven't taken this course personally but I have known that this deck is really detailed and connects instantly. Though not a standard 78 Rider waite cards. Yet its named Tarot. Which I feel must be having a very strong reason. This deck might be complete in itself with the amount of cards it has. Check it out here>>

4. Tarosophist Tarot Degree Program -
This course appears like a formal degree program that you would want for learning anything to the fullest. This is a 2 year degree program and promises that it will teach you Tarot to the depth. I have not taken this course but what baffles me is the quality of content in it. Yes I did say I haven't done it. But the best of Tarot Reader's are teaching in this course, which is going to make it a great Tarot course to take.

5. Mary K Greer's Course -
This link will take you to a site Global Spiritual Studies, where you can find a number of courses based around spirituality. I have taken one from here, and was pretty pleased by its content. Mary Greer is a very advanced Tarot reader and mentor. She has written some of the best selling books on Tarot like 21 ways to read Tarot, Tarot for yourself, and many more..

I don't want you to judge or take any course based on what I have experienced. Just go and read the info for yourself. And if you find it convincing enough then go for it.
Apart from all these I too offer Tarot Course which I open only once a year, for now the entries to that course are closed. If you are interested in getting updates about the course opening. Than go here...

Click Here to get Notified first

Top 5 Best Tarot Author's - 

Rachael Pollack - Rachael Pollack has made Tarot into a solid truth, before hr books came out Tarot was just a play. I am not insulting any other authors. But I have read many books and they all seemed like a child's play in front of Rachael Pollack's books. 78 Degrees of Wisdom, Kaballah Tree and Tarot Wisdom are some of the best books Ive known.

Mary K Greer - Mary Greer's books are strikingly different. She offer's not just information, but practical workable steps that you can take while you are reading her book/s. Mary has written some of the best books like 21 ways to read Tarot and Tarot for yourself

Barbara Moore - This is the one Tarot author I love. Her books are so easy to read and follow. I have seen very difficult and complicated explanations in other tarot books. Which most of the time bounced over my head. But Barbara has a simple way of explaining you something that Tarot symbols say. Rather then twisting and turning the entire thing making you feel all the more empty inside. Barbara's books will always keep you feel you are on plus after you put her book down.
Tarot for Beginners, Tarot Spreads are some of her best works according to me. 

Joan Bunning - The best blog on Tarot meanings was later on put into a book which was an instant hit. And thereafter Joan has authored many good books including Tarot Reversals and Tarot Spreads.

Myself - Though I was hesitating to put my own name here in these top 5 categories, I am still putting it. I got somebody's feedback sometime back that my book was easily digestible where many other author's failed. So that's what makes me write this here.
I had tried reading books to learn Tarot at first, and that's where I know what a bad book can do to your learning passion. So when I started writing about Tarot, all I wanted is NOT to be one more book that would stack on shelf. But rather be useful to whosoever buys it. Tarot Journey of every soul is the book I wrote. 

Top 5 Best Tarot Books - 

78 Degrees of wisdom -

This is by far the best book on Tarot ever written. Its not me who says it but most of the Tarot reader's on this planet will say that. Not just to say, go and check it for yourself. This book has the meanings of tarot given with its spiritual connection with life.

21 ways to read Tarot -

This book is a great book for practical knowledge on learning Tarot. As I have said earlier that Mary is great with her Tarot art and just magically writes with the best guidance available for that card she's describing.

Tarot for Beginners by Barbara Moore  - 

In this book Barbara has laid down the easiest way to understand a card. I have tried many books but when I read books by Barbara Moore I just didn't need to brush us the meaning again and again as when I read anything once the meaning hit the nail right away. Check out her book now.

Learning the Tarot by Joan Bunning

As I have said the author started her site by writing while she was learning. Now this is the book that she published based on her site. A must have for every beginner. 

Tarot explains Journey of every soul

And just in that crowd of great one's I am also including my book on tarot. I have put down the best meanings that I could have. Tarot cards sometime baffled me with their meanings. And when some books seemed ridiculous with their meanings I made a promise that I am not sticking to the mugged up meanings that I have read. I would write whatever I feel is correct for every card. And that's what I did. I have received many reviews saying that my book was easily understood while other books did confuse. 

Top 5 Best Tarot Websites - 

Aeclectic -  This site is by far the best Tarot site that I have come across since past 12years. I have known Tarot since my Tarot toddling years. When I was a Tarot infant aeclectic nurtured me with the best of tarot treats. 

American Tarot Associations site - This site has best amount of resources on learning tarot, the best tarot fortnightly published magazine that's every tarot lovers feast and a list of tarot readers ATA supports. ATA has the best and the most reliable Tarot readers.

Tarotpedia -  This is a sort of encyclopaedia for Tarot readers. It has the best amount of info on tarot its history and origin. This site is closed for now, but I think all past info is easily viewable.

Tarot School - This site has every feast necessary for a Tarot aspirant. You don't just have tarot related courses but also courses that will help you to brush up your tarot skills all to a new level. It also has a super easily understandable Kaballah course, and many other interesting stuff. Check out.

Tarot Guild - Tarot guild though not free for everyone, you will have to become a member to see the good stuff. Yet I feel whatever is give in the membership is a total juicy stuff for every Tarot enthusiast. Check their site now.

Other important programs that you might like - 

If you have been learning Tarot for sometime, you'll know that just learning tarot isn't enough. There are a few more things that go into it. Tarot learning requires a lot more, if you are serious about learning it and putting it into profession.
So here are a few things that I feel will be the best accompaniment with your Tarot learning to give it a boost .

Power of Intuition course - 

While just learning Tarot isn't enough in tarot reading, you'll soon realise that you need a sharp intuition too to learn Tarot. Developing your intuition is a very important step while learning to read the tarot.
Check out this amazing course from Hayhouse to work on your intuitive abilities to make them more accurate.

Dream Interpretation -

Several times your intuition talk to you through your Dreams. And many of my client's discuss their dreams with me. And the same thing can happen with you too. People do feel that anybody predicting future would easily be able to tell what their dreams mean.
This course will help you to understand what the dreams mean, and the symbolism they depict.

Secrets of Meditation -

Tarot skills will boost up when you meditate daily. Meditation is by far the best way to develop your spirituality. And it bestows you with great intuitive abilities. And extra sensory powers.
This is a course you'll love to take if you have not learnt meditation and want to learn it from a good source.

Certified Angel Card Reader course -

Though this is not a must, yet you'd like to add to your skills of Tarot. Angel Card reading course will help to be a good accompaniment to your tarot reading skills. I too love to add that divine message of Angels after I do my tarot reading for my clients.

Angels of Abundance -

So when you start working with your Tarot cards maybe as a professional, or perhaps you are doing tarot on side to earn some extra money. Financial issues are not always because you are not hard working. There are abundance blocks in your mind that might lead to money crisis. This course would be great to help heal those blocks.

Career Transformation -

And when you are totally ready to get into Tarot as a profession, you'd surely want your career to excel. Learning Tarot and giving great Tarot Readings has nothing to do with the failure that you might get as a Professional Tarot Reader. Get proper career transformation knowledge from this course to help you build a great career with your cards.
Not just tarot it can help you boost just any career.

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